Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Stress Level Going Up

My stress level had gone up today but done worry, I can still managed it. I just need to whine abit on it.

Having working in my new office require alot patient. Especially towards her. (Shall not disclose who this her is. Make a guess yourself.) And too recently I notice that I'm begining to hate agencies. They are just bunch of *(%@&... They can be nice over the phone with you but they will shoot behind your back. I'd just kanna one today. Enough say of the work. I want to leave them behind once I leave office.

Reached home rather early today. Had my dinner and nap for awhile. Right now, sitting infront of my lappy writing post and playng game at the same time. Frankly speaking, I do not know what to write. I think I better stop here then writing nonsense.



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