Can't wait!! Just another 1 more week
Going where again? Not any fantastic place, just simple neighbor country PENANG!! Just can't wait for Sept to arrive.
Update again then!!
Labels: Berlin's holiday
A space for me to speak out of my heart. To share my happiness, sadness, craziness and all of me. Never stop fairy story and dreams!!
Labels: Berlin's holiday
Labels: Berlin's Life
Labels: Berlin and Hubby, Life scrulpture, New year
Labels: Berlin is Sick, Berlin's Life
Labels: Berlin's Life, Berlin's Work
Labels: Berlin's Life, Berlin's thought, Berlin's Work
Have been feeling very down recently. I can’t explain the sadness, its like a knife slashing several times deep in my heart. I’m like lost. I do not know what to do, how to chase these dark clouds out from my heart. I hope to have my happy heart out again. My emotions is like rainy days. JUST HARD TO EXPLAIN. I hope that by writing it down, I will feel better.
Every bad things have been happening around me. Be it work or relation. I feel like a sinner. It seems like I’m creating trouble. I don’t know if I’m right or wrong. I feel like creator of troubles with my mouth. I just feel bad.. All thanks to my big fat mouth.. Others have been telling me, its not my fault, its just the third party been too sensitive. But still I feel bad. I could have just shut my mouth and act blur. Let the others settle or even let the matter go worst.
I do not know how long I can take it. I hope I can go through this if not I will do a very big decision. Anyway, guess I should stop here and have a peace sleep..